back to the origins

An old lady with the appearance of a witch who lived on “Rue du Diable” in Moussey — in the Principality of Salm — concocted herbal potions for both humans and animals. She befriended the Wizard and confided her secrets in him. Thereafter, other traditions from distant lands inspired the Wizard, enabling him to summon spirits. Now…

Let yourself be enchanted!

our 3 beverages

Summon the sorcerers of the mysterious vosges forests and let yourself be enchanted by the virtues of their plants…

Explore voodoo rituals and allow the bokono sorcerers from africa to take possession of your spirit…

Experience the forces of the amazon jungle and the shamanic spirits of the Tupi-Guarani…

nos 3 breuvages

Invoquez les sorciers des mystérieuses forêts vosgiennes en vous laissant charmer par les vertus des plantes…

Explorez les rituels vodou en laissant les sorciers bokono d’Afrique prendre possession de votre esprit…

Ressentez toutes les forces de la jungle amazonienne et les esprits chamaniques des Tupi-Guarani…

our beer testing kits

Discover the Sorcerer’s flavors in our tasting sets accompanied by an original Bière du Sorcier glass.