Plants extract, elderflower and nettles

— alc. 5% vol. —

plants extract, elderflower and nettles

The legend — In the late 16th century, over 700 inhabitants of the Principality of Salm were burned at the stake for witchcraft. The Counts of Salm, protectors of the town of Senones, enlisted the aid of a knowledgeable Sorcerer. A forbidden potion was secretly distributed to the population, sparing them from the same fate. Before her death, the last witch entrusted us with her secrets for creating herbal recipes.

— in a few words —

La Sorcier is a secret blend of various plants and fruits, with a predominance of elderflower and nettle. Best enjoyed well chilled, it reveals a fruity and floral character on the palate, complimented by a subtle hoppy flavor.

33 cl.

15 l.



